So, I went to visit somebody in the hospital this evening. It wasn't a traumatic experience or anything. We were just checking in with my friends' mom after some surgery. When we were sitting there talking she said, with a smile on her face, that she woke up from her surgery and looked over at her husband and said, "I made it out alive!"
Wow, I thought. I should be thinking that too... every day. With all the unhealthy decisions I make in a day or lack of exercise, I should be glad I make it out alive. Don't get me wrong... I'm not some sickening unhealthy type. I do make a lot of smart choices in a day. But, I make my share of stupid ones too. ehem, a Taco Bell dinner at 10:30 pm today for example. ;)
So, I got to thinking about it...
Here I am at the "young" age of 25 and I know all of the things that I need to do to be a healthy young woman. I have more than enough knowledge to be get to a healthy weight and be physically active. I have to start utilizing that knowledge and seriously changing myself. I know that some day I will be the one in a hospital bed. And I have to know that I tried my hardest to keep the body I've been given in the best shape possible.
cheers to getting it right!
cheers to twenty five years!
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