Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weight a minute!!!

I stepped on the scale this morning... naked.  :)  It's been a long time since I've done the first-thing-in-the-morning-no-clothes weigh in, which is the way I usually like to do it.  But, I got some good news!!  I am now down 15 pounds!!!!  I can't believe it!!!

Plus, last week was the first day that somebody at work commented on my weight loss.  She asked me how many pounds I'd lost since school started (I'm a teacher).  I told her 13 pounds.  Then she asked, how are you doing it???  Weight Watchers??  I told her nope, I've been there and done that.  This time it's just me.  I'm just watching portion size, getting more fruits and veggies, and really trying to exercise more.  She went on and on about how great she thought that was.  And, then I told her that she was the first person to notice and thanks so much for commenting!!  She couldn't believe that... "you're kidding," she said "you look great!"  I did find out that she is my old size, so I'm going to give her by old pants... you know, the pants that I'm now able to take off without unbuttoning.  :)

So, let's get to the bad news... because it's there... lurking behind me.  I didn't meet all of my goals from last week....

1.  I only did two days of cardio... not four
2. I didn't lift weights AT ALL
3. I wrote my meals all but 1/2 of Tuesday
4. And I blogged one, not two days in the week.

So, I am going to attempt the same goals again this week.... shouldn't be hard.  I only work two days this week because of Thanksgiving Break!

Cheers to happy weigh in's...
Cheers to twenty five years...