Sunday, November 16, 2008

don't go for second best, baby.

Did I mention that I saw Madonna a few weeks ago?  ok, yes... I know that I did.  But, talk about a bad ass chick to get you motivated, right!?  I didn't even have floor seats and I could see muscle definition from where I was... uh-maze-ing!

So, its about time I took that motivation and did something with it.  

I haven't lost any weight in the last few weeks... just maintained.  My diet hasn't been as great as it should be, but the vegetarian thing is still working for me. 

Got my books in... Slow Fat Triathlete is giving me even more inspiration and I'm really thinking about taking that plunge next year.

I was sick last week... a cold.  And, I think I could have stayed well had I been keeping up with my workouts as diligently as a month ago.  So, thought I'd get back to it with some simple goals to check off my list during the week...

Goals this week...

at LEAST four days of cardio... (30 minutes or more of walking)
two days of weight lifting
two days of blogging
6 days of logging... what I eat.  ;)

cheers to rockin' bodies...
cheers to twenty five years...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good plan. If you write you'll think before you bite it. Also, building muscle is a great way to take off the weight.

Keep on blogging it's a great way to "stay honest"
