Monday, December 29, 2008

where to draw the line...

ok... I was very excited when I got on the scale this morning.  It read 170.6

Now, my reward for getting to 170 is to finally watch my Sex and the City DVD (the movie).  I have owned it for weeks and it just sits on top of my cook books waiting to be watched.  BUT, the rule to myself was 170 pounds and you get to watch it!

So, what do you think???  Does 170.6 count?  Or do I have to wait for a number less than 170.5?  Or do I have to wait for 170.0?  OMG, I just want a reward for losing anything in December!  But, I don't wanna be a cheater!!  haha.  Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this.

PS... I was sick last week and didn't work out at all.  I finally got on the treadmill today for 30 minutes and it felt great.  :)

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

**ok, I've thought about it**
Alright, alright... I talked to my boy toy about this dilemma... and I'm not going to watch the DVD until I'm at a 170.0 or less.  That will make me work EXTRA hard this week to get to my freakin' reward!!!!!!

Cheers to possibly meeting my mini-goal!
Cheers to twenty five years!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

GOALS: out with the old, in the with new

So, recap of goals for this week...

1. cardio... 18 miles of walking/jogging -- not done.  I did 5.25 miles.
2. weights... 3 days -- not done.  I did two days.
3. 2 days of blogging -- done
4. log food everyday -- not done.  I logged two days.

Ok, so I only met one out of four of my goals.  But, I did get some activity, which I feel is better than none.  I knew I wouldn't get the 18 miles, b/c I looked up a plan for switching from walking to running.  I have decided to follow that plan to get me speeding up.  And, I did go by that plan and it made my treadmill time much more interesting.  

My legs and arms have been sore... from jogging and weights!  I like that feeling.  It reminds me that I've been moving...


1. cardio... walk/job plan three days a week 
2. weights... upper body weights on M, W, F
3. 2 days of blogging
4. log food everyday

Cheers to new goals!
Cheers to twenty five years!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Photo Friday

(photo from trip to Cozumel... a few years ago)

MUST... THINK... OF... THE... BEACH...

ok, so I really need to remember that long pants and sweaters aren't to be worn all year... there will come a time ... much sooner than I'd like to realize that I will be in a bathing suit.  I don't want to be the chubby girl in the suit this summer...

therefore, two cardio sessions for me this weekend... and tomorrow is upper body weights as well.

cheers to bathing suits!
cheers to twenty five years!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm not in the mood...

no, no, no... not that, you perverts.  ;)  I'm not in the mood for a workout. 

I'm feeling like a slacker.  :(
I know what my goals are this week... I'm just not motivated.
I have lots of excuses.. that are all lame.  I hate excuses.

I feel like one of my little students at school ... when I ask, "WHY did you do that?"
and they just look at me blankly and shrug their shoulders.  
My goals are staring me in the face saying, "WHY aren't you doing anything?"
and I just nicely shrug my shoulders... I don't know why.

I think it's important that I post on the days that I feel like crap too... I can't stand always feeling the need to appear positive or perfect.  (yeah right!)

I know I should be on the treadmill right now... but I think I'm just going to go clean my kitchen and get back to it tomorrow.

side note:  I did actually do cardio and weights yesterday... but that's it for the week, so far.

cheers to venting!
cheers to twenty five years!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

All about Goals...

First things first, let's see how I did on my goals this week...

by the way, b/c of how my workout journal is set up, I am counting my weeks from Monday to Sunday.  So, today is the end of my week.  :)

1.  4 days of cardio - DONE
Wed and Th - 30 minutes of cardio
Friday - 48 minutes of cardio
Saturday - 60 minutes of cardio

2.  2 days of weights - DONE
did arm workout 4 days... M, W, F, Su

3.  2 days of blogging - DONE
much more free time = much more blogging!

4.  log in food journal every day - NOT DONE
out of my daily schedule threw me off, I think.. didn't log  :(


1.  Cardio - 18 miles for the week

I am going to start thinking of my cardio in terms of miles.  I think this will help me move from walking to jogging more.  If I know I just need to do 60 minutes of cardio, I can just drift off and walk for 60 minutes.  But, I need something to push me to get more distance... that will push me to do more jogging, which I know I can do.  

2.  3 days of weights... Tu, Th, Sa

3.  2 days of blogging

4.  log food everyday

Cheers to meeting most of my goals!
Cheers to twenty five years!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

cardio?? on thanksgiving!?!?!

seriously... I need a gold star or something...  I just did cardio on Thanksgiving!  hahaha

Now, I gotta hit the shower and head over to my parents' house.  :)

Hope you all have a fab Thanksgiving!!

Cheers to yummy food!
Cheers to twenty five years!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm rockin' my weekly goals!

so far, so good on the goals...

I am logging my food every day... if I keep that up, goal will be met.
I have blogged at least twice already... so that goal is met!
I have done two weight sessions... so that goal is met, too!
I have done one day of cardio and plan on doing that each day til Saturday, so that should be met as well.

I knew not having to work all week would get me in the mood for a kick ass week.  yessss!

After I shower in a few moments I'm going to make some white chocolate covered pretzels to bring to my parents' house tomorrow... yum!

Then, I'm going to work on a painting that is way over due for a friend... I shall post a picture of it when I'm done... for fun!

cheers to productive days!
cheers to twenty five years!

Monday, November 24, 2008

4th photo tag!

1. Pick the 4th folder on your computer
2. Pick the 4th picture
3. Explain the picture
4. Tag 4 more peeps

I tag anyone who would like to do it.

It is always nice to see another side of the runner/triathlete.

Alright... this is a picture of Trisha Yearwood... in concert last September.  My dad got tickets for him, my mom and me.  I enjoyed much more than I thought I would.  Damn, that girl can sing!

Cheers to sharing pictures!
Cheers to twenty five years!

workin' my arms

I really wanted to try this arm workout from Self Magazine... and I just did it!  I loved it!!!  Especially the last move... kill me now!  I think the angle of the last move is different from any other move I've done.  It just felt really different, but in a "wowzah, I need that move" kind of way.

Anyways, I went to Wal-Mart for groceries today... that place is already a mad house.  Have I ever mentioned that I live in Wal-Mart country... a.k.a. Northwest AR... home of Wal-Mart Home Office.  That's pretty errelevent information, but it gives you a little bit of a taste of what my WM shopping experience is like.  One minute I'm passing an old lady and the next I'm passing a group of WM vendors discussing their product and blah blah blah...  But those vendors are some of the best donations to everything in the area... ehem, including runs!!!  yay for free stuff, right!!?!?  Anyways, I went for groceries today and the place is totally stocked full of Turkey Day goodies.  I'm glad I got in and out on my lunch break.  :)

So, my boy-toy bought his lil sis a Wii for Christmas!!  We wanted to make sure that it worked  (mmm hmmmmmm, sure).  So, we hooked it up Friday night... popped open a bottle of wine and played Wii Sports.  FUN!  We are thinking about getting his mom the Wii Fit... anybody have that?  Heard any good things on that??

Cheers to my already sore arms...
Cheers to twenty five years...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weight a minute!!!

I stepped on the scale this morning... naked.  :)  It's been a long time since I've done the first-thing-in-the-morning-no-clothes weigh in, which is the way I usually like to do it.  But, I got some good news!!  I am now down 15 pounds!!!!  I can't believe it!!!

Plus, last week was the first day that somebody at work commented on my weight loss.  She asked me how many pounds I'd lost since school started (I'm a teacher).  I told her 13 pounds.  Then she asked, how are you doing it???  Weight Watchers??  I told her nope, I've been there and done that.  This time it's just me.  I'm just watching portion size, getting more fruits and veggies, and really trying to exercise more.  She went on and on about how great she thought that was.  And, then I told her that she was the first person to notice and thanks so much for commenting!!  She couldn't believe that... "you're kidding," she said "you look great!"  I did find out that she is my old size, so I'm going to give her by old pants... you know, the pants that I'm now able to take off without unbuttoning.  :)

So, let's get to the bad news... because it's there... lurking behind me.  I didn't meet all of my goals from last week....

1.  I only did two days of cardio... not four
2. I didn't lift weights AT ALL
3. I wrote my meals all but 1/2 of Tuesday
4. And I blogged one, not two days in the week.

So, I am going to attempt the same goals again this week.... shouldn't be hard.  I only work two days this week because of Thanksgiving Break!

Cheers to happy weigh in's...
Cheers to twenty five years...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I like to move it, move it...

Alright... so far I'm on track with my goals this week BUT I forgot to write my meals for the last half of Tuesday.  I think that's ok... considering...

Right now I'm going to go change and get on the treadmill for 35 minutes while I watch VH1's top 100 90's songs... LOL

I almost talked myself out of working out tonight... but then I thought, NO NO NO!  Get your buns UP and MOVIN!

Cheers to workin' out to 90's tunes...
Cheers to twenty five years...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

don't go for second best, baby.

Did I mention that I saw Madonna a few weeks ago?  ok, yes... I know that I did.  But, talk about a bad ass chick to get you motivated, right!?  I didn't even have floor seats and I could see muscle definition from where I was... uh-maze-ing!

So, its about time I took that motivation and did something with it.  

I haven't lost any weight in the last few weeks... just maintained.  My diet hasn't been as great as it should be, but the vegetarian thing is still working for me. 

Got my books in... Slow Fat Triathlete is giving me even more inspiration and I'm really thinking about taking that plunge next year.

I was sick last week... a cold.  And, I think I could have stayed well had I been keeping up with my workouts as diligently as a month ago.  So, thought I'd get back to it with some simple goals to check off my list during the week...

Goals this week...

at LEAST four days of cardio... (30 minutes or more of walking)
two days of weight lifting
two days of blogging
6 days of logging... what I eat.  ;)

cheers to rockin' bodies...
cheers to twenty five years...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Like a Virgin... whoooo

Not an impressive week, period.  Literally, I blame my period.  ha!

I've been lazy and eating about half c-r-a-p.  Just had to say that out in the blog world... so I feel like somebody ... somewhere will read this... and I will feel guilty and get my booty back in gear!!

I ordered the Slow Fat Triathlete book... can't wait for it to arrive!!!!  I also ordered New Moon (Twilight series, book 2)!!  That excites me too!!!  I am almost done with Twilight and it's great!

I am in Chicago this weekend to see Madonna!!!  (hints the title)  I am hangin with my sister and the concert is tomorrow night.  yay!

Well, sorry for the crazy random thoughts kind of post.. but wanted to make sure I'm keeping myself in check...

Cheers to Madonna!
Cheers to good books!
Cheers to twenty five years!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Watch your step!!!

Alright... I've been wearing a pedometer, pretty much religiously, for a few weeks now.  I have to say it helps me A TON.  I think I hit my personal record on Monday... 14343 steps!  

Normally, I just try to hit 10,000 steps.  As a teacher, I'm up on my feet most of the day.  I usually average between 4,000 and 6,000 after a work day.  And once I go walk/run I hit 10,000 by the end of my day with no problem.  BUT, when I don't walk/run... no way.

So, I had a normal day Monday, walking at school.  THEN, the boy toy and I decided to go play some tennis.  Instead of driving to the park, we walked.  I think it's about a mile and a half to the park.  Then, playing tennis rocked!  We walked a loop around the walking track at the park and then did the walk back to his place.  

During our walk we talked a lot about the tri he did in August and the possibilities of ME being able to do that next August.  I told him that I got so me advice from a fellow blogger and that she thought it was totally do-able.  That advice made me SO excited.  But, I have this negative thought in my head... THE FEAR... THE WORRY... THE DOUBT... that "what if I'm just setting myself up for failure?"  So, we discussed how these mental blocks get in the way of our goals and how to overcome them... it was a great talk.  He broke the race down... "you know the swim might be challenging, but it's first.  And, you have plenty of time to finish.... more than enough time!  Then once we get you on a bike, you'll be surprised how good you can do at that part.  Then it's the run.  All you have to do is finish on your feet.  You can even walk if you have to... you'll be fine."  I agreed with him and after breaking it down like that, I started to think, "holy crap... I am thinking of doing this!"  He explained how great it feels when you cross that finish line and it would be totally bad ass if I did this.  (I'm smiling inside because he believes in me!)  He suggested that I get signed up for a 5K and set my eyes on that for now... then we can work up the bike and swim as I go...  

I will be looking up tri training plans to see the best way to go about all of this... but, I'm sooooo excited (and scared) about this new journey... and part of me fears the coming of winter and how this might create some serious motivation road blocks... but I can't let that happen.  

Ah, and here are the pictures of my dog, Porter...  just for Al

Cheers to starting a new goal!!
Cheers to twenty five years!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


"Oh crap, there is a random golf ball flying in the neighborhood!"  ~that is what some people were thinking yesterday as I played my first golf game in an apartment complex golf course yesterday!!  LOL

It was awesome!  I called up the boy toy to see if he wanted to go hiking.  Well, he wasn't up for much of a hike.  But, he said he could handle a game of golf.  So, I agreed to give it a shot... no pun intended.  I grabbed my only striped polo and my khakis and headed out the door.  Oh yeah, and I changed into argyle panties for good luck.... seriously!  

I guess that worked, because I seriously held my own.  We "scrambled"... meaning we took the best shot of the two of us and played from that point.  I kept us together at the beginning of the game and he kept up going through the end.  He even got a birdie on the 9th hole... B-E-A-UTIFUL shot!  

Oh, and I should probably mention that we lost about 8 or 10 balls, I think.  Some of them flew off to a new home in a near-by neighborhood.  (no worries, I didn't hear any shattering glass) Some of them are swimming in the depths of those damn ponds they place in the middle of the course.

I also learned how to repair my divots!  (see divot above)  And, why am I so excited about this, you might wonder?  Well, in order to create a divot, that means I actually hit the ball ON THE GREEN!  WOO HOO!  I tell ya, I left that place feeling like a bad ace.  And, its not every day I end a walk feeling that good... So, I'm super pumped that my walk "went green" yesterday!

Cheers to new adventures!
Cheers to golf!
Cheers to twenty five years!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

can I get a woot woot?!?!


Here... this is fun!

I'm running through giant weeds to get to my goal... I CAN DO IT!!!

Workin' my butt off...

Well, it's about time I got my butt into gear.  After my last post, I KNOW for a FACT that I didn't get my act together like I said I would.  BUT, somewhere in the last couple of months, I have.  There wasn't any pressure, no "tomorrow I'm going to get up and not make any mistakes" type promises... it just started to fall into place... let me fill you in...

First, I asked one of my friends if she could be my personal trainer.  (she just got certified).  I thought what a perfect solution... you need the practice and I need the help.  It turned out to be GREAT help.  She got me out of the house and working out more than I had all year.  However, our schedules were very hard to get together sometimes and I realized with all my student loans coming due, I probably wouldn't be able to afford the extra bill.  SO, I told her thanks, but I have to go it alone.  :)  Since then I have been doing a great job of getting in my cardio.  The only thing I MUST get into is weights.  So, today that will begin... (ehem, it really will).

In the mean time, during all this "I'm freakin' exercising again" time, I read the book, Skinny Bitch.  That book seriously changed my view on a lot of the crap I was eating!  I have since decided to try being a vegetarian for 30 days.  I started that on September 15th... and I'm still going.  oh, minus that bad dream that I had where I accidently had a pulled pork sandwich...  haha, but that doesn't count.  I woke up really freaked out though!!

Now, let me say the most exciting news of all...  well, there have been some GREAT results to this natural steady improvement in my health.  I have (as of today) lost 12 pounds!  I can't believe it... I'm finally doing it!!!  I literally step off the scale in amazement sometimes.  

Now, yesterday I did a silly thing... like all of us do from time to time.  I made chocolate chip cookies instead of working out.  BUT, I ate three cookies and then bagged the rest up and gave them to my boy toy.  They are now out of my house and they won't mess me up today.  :)

Speaking of today, I gotta get to it.  
I'm going to try a new workout!

I'm going to do it!!!  I'm going to get my health in check before I'm 26!!!  I can feel it.  Even though I had a slow and unproductive start... something has hit me, and I like how it feels.  LOL


Sunday, July 13, 2008

back to reality

Well, I've been gone for the last 10 days on vacation... two days in Dothan Alabama and eight days in Destin Florida.  It was a great vacation.  But, as I'm sure most people have experienced... the vacation becomes an excuse to be a bottomless pit of sugar and fat.  And, I tried to do a nice balance of my normal healthy eating habits blended with the bottomless pit attitude.  However, the sweet and salty treats usually won the battle.  oh well, I say.  It was just one week.

So, this week I'm back to reality... back to work, back to laundry, to-do lists, back to workouts, back to counting calories, and weighing myself once a week and starting the losing battle again!

What I'm going to do this week:
I'm gonna get active!!

When I'm going to do it:
Monday- 20-60 minutes of walking
Tuesday- Hip Hop Hustle class at the gym
Wednesday- 20-60 minutes of walking
Thursday- Hip Hop Hustle class at the gym
Friday- 20-60 minutes of walking

Cheers to getting back on track this week!
Cheers to twenty five years!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

it's sinking in...

reality that is... it's sinking in.

So, I went to visit somebody in the hospital this evening.  It wasn't a traumatic experience or anything.  We were just checking in with my friends' mom after some surgery.  When we were sitting there talking she said, with a smile on her face, that she woke up from her surgery and looked over at her husband and said, "I made it out alive!"  

Wow, I thought.  I should be thinking that too... every day.  With all the unhealthy decisions I make in a day or lack of exercise, I should be glad I make it out alive.   Don't get me wrong... I'm not some sickening unhealthy type.  I do make a lot of smart choices in a day.  But, I make my share of stupid ones too.   ehem, a Taco Bell dinner at 10:30 pm today for example.  ;)

So, I got to thinking about it...

Here I am at the "young" age of 25 and I know all of the things that I need to do to be a healthy young woman.  I have more than enough knowledge to be get to a healthy weight and be physically active.  I have to start utilizing that knowledge and seriously changing myself.  I know that some day I will be the one in a hospital bed.  And I have to know that I tried my hardest to keep the body I've been given in the best shape possible.  

cheers to getting it right!
cheers to twenty five years!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer, Summer, Summer Time

So, it's summer time and we all know what that means... bathing suit time!!!  I love shopping for bathing suits... wait a minute, no I don't.   I dread it just like a root canal.  (and yes, i've had a root canal, so I know!)  

I just got a new bathing suit in the mail from and it was SO CUTE!!!  ehem, in the bag.  I tried it on and it just wasn't flattering.  So, off it goes... back in the mail... I will be glad when I see the refund hit my bank account.  

Now, I'm not going to pretend that I've spent the last 6 months losing a bunch of weight and exercising my butt off... because I haven't.  I finally got my butt in gear a month ago.  I lost weight three weeks in a row and this week I gained just a tiny bit... seriously, not even a whole pound.  So, I am down 4.9 pounds for the month.  Anyways, enough with numbers.  I just wanna start blogging again... get myself out there and motivated.

I've started going to a Hip Hop Hustle workout class.... it's FUN!  I love dancing again, I feel great after I leave... dripping in sweat.  If I keep all this up, maybe next year I will enjoy putting on  a bathing suit.  ;)

Cheers to you!
And cheers to me and my 25 years!