Sunday, July 13, 2008

back to reality

Well, I've been gone for the last 10 days on vacation... two days in Dothan Alabama and eight days in Destin Florida.  It was a great vacation.  But, as I'm sure most people have experienced... the vacation becomes an excuse to be a bottomless pit of sugar and fat.  And, I tried to do a nice balance of my normal healthy eating habits blended with the bottomless pit attitude.  However, the sweet and salty treats usually won the battle.  oh well, I say.  It was just one week.

So, this week I'm back to reality... back to work, back to laundry, to-do lists, back to workouts, back to counting calories, and weighing myself once a week and starting the losing battle again!

What I'm going to do this week:
I'm gonna get active!!

When I'm going to do it:
Monday- 20-60 minutes of walking
Tuesday- Hip Hop Hustle class at the gym
Wednesday- 20-60 minutes of walking
Thursday- Hip Hop Hustle class at the gym
Friday- 20-60 minutes of walking

Cheers to getting back on track this week!
Cheers to twenty five years!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

These things happen on vacation, you have the right idea, back to the routine. Even if you gain a bit on vacation, and most of us do, you will lose it pretty quick too once you get back on track.

I like your workout plan, especially that there's room for flexibility (i.e. 20-60 min walks). I'm a big fan of flexibility and struggle with being too rigid. Great job!!